Although Veganuary is over–your commitment toward self-care lives on! This vegan, paleo detox shake is great for fortifying the super awesome fitness regiment you’re already on! Packed with antioxidants, cleansers, fiber, and vitamins, this shake also tastes fantastic while boosting your energy and cleansing your body. During Valentine’s month, don’t forget to send those loving vibes to the most important person in your life–yourself! Happy February!
1 cup NO BULL Vanilla Bean Dairy-free ice cream
1 cup frozen pineapple
1 green apple, chopped.
2 large handfuls of fresh baby spinach
2” fresh ginger root, peeled
Lime juice from 1 lime, plus grated zest
1 cup light coconut milk
Blend all the ingredients. Serve immediately.
Option: Add ice to the blender for a thicker, more frozen shake version.